Thursday, January 17, 2008

How do we as Christians deal with a postmodern world?

In a worldview that celebrates disorder and holds to relativism, it is a challenging hurdle for Christians to take on. As Christians, we must first take on the challenge of relativism by showing people how absurd the level of subjectivity in society is. We believe in objective, concrete truth that is true for all people at all times. We must enforce this with solid evidence and combat the subjectivity with logic and examples of issues that they would call "morally wrong," no matter how postmodern they are. We need to show them that there is a right way to do things and that it is to glorify God. The advantage that Christians have against postmodernism is that it is a relatively indifferent mindset, meaning that it can be altered without too much provocation. If we make sense to them, they may be able to agree with our logic. Whatever they believe is true to them and vice-versa. If they are open to believing that whatever is true for others is ultimately thier reality, they still have the possibility of accepting it.

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